Urban Decay Skyscraper Multi-Benefit Mascara Review - Xoxo Emmy
Got Urban Decay Skyscraper Multi-Benefit Mascara in the mail today! 🙂 Package and mascara: I love the pattern swirls on both the package and on the mascara. So why is this mascara called skyscraper? look how long the mascara’s handle is and is not even fully out yet! super long! (please ignore my chipped nailpolish [its Nirvana by Dior]) I notice that there is goop of mascara at the bottom everytime you take it out. actual wand (with flash) no flash Before and After Verdict: Not too much of a difference. It enhances what you have for a more natural look. With a eyelash curler, on a separate occasion: you see the lashes a bit longer, a bid darker on the left, but its NOT a dramatic change. Again, perfect when you want to make your eyelashes slightly darker for a natural finish. If you want a significant difference in how your eyelashes look, I recommend Urban Decay Supercurl Curling Mascara. Website Description: Our six-in-one mascara (with a sexy new-generation brush) lengthens, strengthens, thickens, brightens, separates, and curls. My review: Did it… lengthens? Yes strengthens? No (false advertisement, no regular mascara strengthens eyelashes) thickens? Not really (just slightly, so best for a natural look) brightens? What does this even mean? You mean make them darker, then yes, slightly separates? Yes curls? No Coats: 1 Clumps: None Best for: Natural RATING: B Verdict: Its called Skyscraper because the handle is long, not because you get skyscraper length lashes. However, for a natural look, this is ok. Disclosure: I bought this mascara and I was not paid for my review. Related PostsUrban Decay Supercurl Curling Mascara ReviewMAC Opulash Optimum Black Mascara ReviewTarte lights, camera, lashes! Mascara ReviewUrban Decay Fall 2013 Face Chart / How to LooksHow to tell if your Urban Decay Naked is FakeUrban Decay Might Officially Come to Amazon