Who are you?
My name is Emmy and I live in New York City.

Why did you start this site?
I originally wanted to create a lifestyle blog but couldn’t pick and choose what I wanted to write about. I wanted to write about lots of topics like clothes, tea, Japan, etc! (the topics all vary wildly). As a result, I just wrote about things I like and stuff I wanted to do. I guess this site is just about me, and me being your friend (I hope that makes sense!)

How do I comment on post?
Near the title, it says “Comments”, click on that, and you should be able to comment! 🙂

I have a suggestion for your site?
You do? Submit it at our contact form!

Are you getting paid to write?
Not at the moment. I wish! 🙂

Did you get all of your makeup/clothes for free?
I wish! I have bought everything so far.

Favorite Color?
Pink. Though I used to LOVE Baby Blue.