How to Get Sailor Moon’s Hair

Now that Sailor Moon Crystal is out, lets celebrate with this hair tutorial on how to get Sailor Moon’s Hair! In the Name of the Moon, I’ll Punish you! For those who need details: split your hair in two and make 2 pony tails. Leave some hair out of your ponytail on both sides (back side of head). If you have bangs, better (can be done without bangs by just...

Indroducing: Sailor Moon Cosmetics’ Transformation Stick Nail Polish!

The transformation sticks in the magical girl anime Sailor Moon R are inspiring the Nail Collection in the Miracle Romance line of Sailor Moon cosmetics from Bandai’s cosmetic branch Creer Beaute. The tops of these transformation sticks are reimagined as a set of nail polish bottles slated for release this October. Pre-orders open on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. on Bandai’s official shopping site, Premium Bandai. The collection includes five colors:...